Infographic | Sustainable Packaging

Infographic: Sustainable Packaging

The word “plastic soup” cannot have escaped your notice, you come across it in the news almost every day. More and more awareness is emerging on this issue and the big culprit in this, single use plastic, is being increasingly eliminated from our daily lives due to the extending laws of the Europian Union. Experts state that consumer attitudes about sustainable packaging have also changed significantly, and the question that arises is: “What are consumer preferences when it comes to sustainable packaging in the retail and Out Of Home channels?” We asked our large European Roamler community to tell us about their consuming behaviour and preferences when it comes to sustainable packaging.

Key findings:

  • 80% of European consumers pay attention to packaging sustainability at least ‘sometimes’.
  • 1-5% is the most accepted price difference between products with vs. products without sustainable packaging.
  • The brand Coca-Cola is perceived as being progressive in 5 out of 7 countries.
  • 44% of European consumers is willing to pay more for sustainable napkins and cutlery.
  • Despite the preference for reusable packaging, only 50% of European consumers state to always keep and reuse it.
  • When ordering take-away food, 89% of European consumers think receiving a discount would stimulate them to bring their own packaging.
  • 74% of European consumers state to recommend a delivery or take-away place to a friend, knowing they serve food in sustainable packaging.

Read all findings in our dedicted consumer report.

The findings presented in this infographic are based on the results of task submitted by the European Roamler Community in 2022.

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