Find the best solution to grow your business

Insights logo

In-store Insights

Track all your KPIs in-store with real-time data


Focus logo


Increase the productivity of your field team


Mystery Shopping logo

Mystery shopping

Gain insights on your brand compliance


Location Database logo

Location Database

Discover the full potential of your market


Ratings & Review logo

Ratings & Reviews

Improve your online presence with consumer reviews


Monitors logo

Retail Monitors

Understand the trends in the retail market


Merch & Sales

Cover stores where you need additional merch & sales


Salesmapp logo


Support your OOH sales team on the road


Monitors logo

Market Monitor

Understand the trends across all channels of the out-of-home market


ROSA logo


Alert your sales team on stores with issues


Need help selecting the right solution?

Request a demo and our experts will advise you on the best solution to grow your business!

Leverage our best-in class mobile technology and a community of thousands of trained shoppers across Europe, to get timely in-store insights or execution power and beat competition.

In-store insights

Get timely in store insights by activating our on-demand auditors across Europe, and make effective data-driven decisions when and where it matters.

Merchandising and Sales

Activate our on-demand merchandisers and sales professionals across Europe and easily fix your in-store execution and field sales where and when it’s needed.

Ratings & Reviews

Generate authentic reviews through our communities and place them on the most relevant platforms for your markets in a fast and cost-effective way.

Retail Monitors

What do the European Fresh Produce markets look like in terms of distribution and presentation? Receive valuable insights from live dashboards.


Discover a full end-to-end route to market, driven by technology and data, to boost sales and increase revenue in the Out Of Home channel.


With Focus, we help you optimize your field team by simplifying tasks in-store and allowing them to prioritise high value-added activities.

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