Infographic: Online grocery shopping

Nowadays most supermarkets deliver groceries right into consumers’ kitchens and more and more shoppers are discovering the advantages of online grocery shopping as it saves time and energy and it’s possible at any time.

According to a survey conducted by Roamler during the month of March 2020, about 35% of shoppers purchase groceries online on a regular basis. More than 60% orders monthly, while another considerable part of 44% does it weekly.

Consumers mostly place their orders during weekdays, using supermarkets’ websites on desktop (45%) and mobile (41%) and dedicated smartphone apps (43%).
70% of Europeans state to shop differently when ordering groceries online, avoiding impulse purchases and taking advantage of the delivery service to stock-up on favorite products and heavier items.

The findings presented in this report are based on the results of an investigative task submitted to the Roamler Crowd during the month of March 2020. The findings take into account data collected from 6.578 respondents, located in the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany. 

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