Featured FAQ: Quality guarantee

Our independent professionals consistently deliver high-quality work; how do we make that happen?

Our community of on-demand merchandisers, sales reps, and care and tech professionals across Europe enables us to offer task execution when and where it’s needed. Thanks to the advanced Roamler platform technology, our communities can be activated entirely on demand to replace or extend your own field teams. 

Working with thousands of independent professionals can certainly present challenges with respect to quality control, so we understand that this way of working might raise some questions. In this article we dive into the quality processes of our retail, tech, and care departments, thereby answering the frequently asked question, “How do we ensure that our independent professionals deliver high-quality work?

We begin with our Retail department, whose communities consist of auditors and merchandising and sales professionals. In this article, we will focus on the latter, as the merchandising and sales professionals act on behalf of our FMCG clients and often work with costly POS materials.  

Retail solutions

By applying (1) a selection procedure, providing (2) extensive information and contact possibilities, and using (3) reviewers, our Retail department continuously monitors the quality of the services our merchandising and sales community delivers. 

1. Selection procedure 

The recruitment and onboarding process for our merchandising and sales professionals is the first step in our quality process. Our Community Managers or Field Coordinators schedule a one-on-one Skype meeting with potential Roamlers in order to evaluate their experience level, track record, enthusiasm, and motivation; if our criteria are met, the professional may be welcomed into to our merchandising or sales community.

2. Information and contact possibilities

As part of our merchandising or sales community, all professionals can access various tools for performance improvement. For instance, all sales professionals can participate in online, client sessions, ensuring our professionals can carry out the tasks as intended by the client. Secondly, we provide the Roamlers with best practices and tips and tricks, which serve as a useful frame of reference for most general questions. Thirdly, through the Roamler platform, the professionals can chat directly with the Roamler support team or with other merchandisers and sales professionals at any time, enabling them to share ideas and experiences with each other. Roamlers can even use the chat feature while still on location, allowing them to efficiently incorporate crucial feedback in a timely manner.

3. Reviewing

Another impactful quality procedure is the manual check of all submitted task information that our team of reviewers carries out. In case of issues or necessary improvements, the professional will receive feedback for future performances or will be kindly asked to implement the improvements according to the client’s wishes.  

Tech solutions

To ensure that our on-demand technicians deliver top-quality work, our Tech department focuses on (1) selection, (2) information provision, and (3) reviewing. 

1. Selection procedure

Working in technical installation and repair means working with specialized equipment; thus, there are stricter criteria for professionals joining this community. It’s important that the Tech Roamlers have the necessary electrical and safety-management certifications in accordance with the laws of the country where they are active. Before joining the professional community, our selection specialists arrange an online conversation with potential community members in order to gauge their interests and experience and to guide them through their first steps in the Roamler app.

2. Information provision 

From the moment they begin working with Roamler, our technicians are invited to information sessions that cover a variety of subjects, from both general and specific issues to healthy and safe work practices. Through roundtable discussions, Roamlers receive all relevant updates regarding  the Roamler app. Furthermore, our support call centre offers technicians guidance during task execution, enabling our Roamlers to carry out their work as safely and successfully as possible. 

3. Reviewing 

As in our retail department, all tech professionals upload task-related information through the Roamler app, enabling our team of reviewers to execute checks. Given the complexity of technical tasks, the tech department engages with the technical experts on a higher level, enabling them to improve their work where needed.

Care solutions

Given the sensitive nature of healthcare tasks, quality processes at our Roamler Care department differ according to the nature of the project. We will highlight the processes of two of our bigger projects: (1) COVID-19 home testing and (2) Healthcare platform. Both projects focus keeping close contact with on-demand care professionals. 

All care professionals that enter our community have a proven track record in healthcare and are BIG registered and/or have an AGB code.

1. COVID-19 home testing 

In order to work on our COVID-19 home-testing project, our Roamlers participate in a training according to GGD standards, after which their knowledge is tested through e-learning applications. When new community members are ready for their first day of work, they are accompanied by an experienced COVID-19 tester who is familiar with our work processes and quality standards. To guarantee quality during the entire project, the experienced professionals also make sure everyone adheres to the same work processes. Additionally, our Community Managers are in close contact with our client’s coordinators and care professionals, enabling Roamler to act quickly in case of a complaint or problem.

2. Healthcare platform (home care)

Our Homecare professionals undergo a thorough selection process, during which an extensive certifications check is carried out. In our weekly client meetings, we discuss the progress of our projects and the quality of the services delivered by our community, which we translate into clear actions for our Roamlers, resulting in an even higher quality of work. Finally, using several communication channels, we are able to provide around-the-clock support and can help or train all homecare professionals in a continuous fashion. 

Would you like to know more about our processes or our flexible resourcing possibilities in general? Get in touch with our experts

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