Roamler partners with Egg
Roamler is proud to announce a partnership with Egg: a UK company that helps its customers make better, greener choices by offering in-home solutions.
Roamler is proud to announce a partnership with Egg: a UK company that helps its customers make better, greener choices by offering in-home solutions.
Roamler is proud to announce a partnership with Go Zero Charge: a UK company that is taking EV charging to another level. Together, we are creating stress-free surveys and installations for all customers.
In just a few months, housing corporations must install a properly working smoke detector on every floor of every corporation home. Are housing corporations prepared for this challenging job?
The construction sector aims to attract new workers in all kinds of ways, but digitization also has a huge potential to cover a large part of the shortage.
Due to the rapid shifts imposed by COVID, over the past 12 months, we have recorded significant changes in in-home installations.
In this new chapter of my journey, I will tell you more about how we are dealing with operational issues.
Launching crowd-supported technical installations in Germany and the UK.
How do British consumers experience in-home installations? What can companies do to increase their customer satisfaction?
The installation of central heating and boilers can now also be executed by a pool of professional installers through the Roamler app.
When do customers prefer to get their devices installed and/or repaired? Through more than 30.000 thermostat installations performed in the Netherlands during 2018, Roamler Tech gives us all the answers.