From July 1st 2022, a new smoke detector obligation will come into effect in The Netherlands. From that moment on, every Dutch home must be equipped with a smoke detector. This new rule may cause challenges for housing corporations, as they are responsible for installing and maintaining smoke detectors in all corporation homes. Within just a few months, corporations must install a properly working smoke detector on each floor of all corporation homes. Are housing corporations prepared for this challenging job?
919.000 homes aren’t ready yet
Many housing corporations must act quickly, according to the results of a survey conducted by Roamler. The findings show that housing corporations do not yet comply with the new regulations in 40% of all cases¹. This means that about 919.000² Dutch corporation homes still need to be equipped with a smoke detector. With only a few months to go and a major labor shortage in the tech sector, this may become quite a challenge.
A sufficient number of installers in a short time
The continuing demand for 20.000³ installers indicates the magnitude of the enormous labor shortage the tech sector is struggling with. In order to offer housing corporations a helping hand with the new regulations, Roamler is involved with various corporations to carry out the installation of smoke detectors. With this, Roamler emphasizes that flexible, on-demand installers can offer a solution for the challenges faced by corporations. More than 1000 independent installers are connected to the Roamler platform, taking on technical jobs seven days a week, from 8AM to 8PM. Unique to this method, is that Roamler takes full responsibility for the implementation of the installations, by manually reviewing all installations through the Roamler technology.
1300 installations in a few weeks
For Centraal Beheer, flexible professionals were the solution for installing a large number of smoke detectors in a short period of time. Through Roamler’s platform, they were able to provide 1300 customers with new smoke detectors, in a time frame of just a few weeks.
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¹Data retrieved from survey, completed by 1020 Dutch people in January 2022.
²Data retrieved from CBS.
³Techniek Nederland.