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In store execution

How to solve the main in-store challenges?

What really happens in-store still holds lots of blind spots for both manufacturers and retailers. What are the main in-store problems brands and retailers must avoid in order to keep a competitive edge?

On trade / Out of home

Consumer reports

Infographic: time for tea

Europeans are great tea lovers. Curious about their purchasing and consumption habits? Explore our infographic!

Infographic: looking good during the holidays!

With lots of family gatherings and parties, the Christmas holidays surely put women under more pressure to look good. What are the most sought after products during this time of the year? Our infographic tells you all about it.


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Discover our latest report on Tomatoes on the vine

This report delves into a comprehensive analysis of tomatoes on the vine in the UK and Germany over two distinct periods, from June 2022 to May 2023 and June 2023 to May 2024.