Berry monitor
Get weekly and monthly data and photos from over 500 locations across Europe.
Get accurate insights from across Europe
What does the European berry market look like in terms of distribution and presentation? The Roamler Berry Monitor provides you with immediate access to extensive data and photos from over 500 food-retail locations across Europe. The data is collected weekly and monthly by our community of on-demand auditors, manually validated, and made directly available to you through an intuitive live dashboard.
Fine tune your strategies
Being highly fragmented with high volumes and low margins, the berry market is both competitive and volatile. Getting fasts insights into price, assortment, and suppliers enables optimisation of the whole supply chain.
Get a complete overview
While traditional sources such as Nielsen, IRI, and GFK can only provide a limited amount of data, Roamler collects and process weekly and monthly data from over 500 stores in Europe. This allows you to get a complete overview of the berry retail landscape and fine tune your strategies in the most efficient way.
What can we track for you?
Get access to the best analysis on how soft fruit is marketed and displayed in-store with in-depth insights on SKUs and categories. The Roamler Berry Monitor includes insights on blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, red berries, and mixed packaging.
- Weight
- Country of origin
- Supplier / brand
- Selling price (package/kilo/promotion)
- Type of packaging
- Organic or non-organic
Mystery shopping
- Cooled / non-cooled
- Categories next to this product group
- Count facings / IFCO per category
- Count amount SKUs per category
How does it work?
Subscribe to the Berry Monitor and get new insights on the berry retail market every month. No management is required from your side!
The Roamler community executes weekly and monthly in-store checks in over 500 food-retail locations across Europe, including Aldi, Lidl, Tesco, Carrefour, E-Leclerc, and many more.
Once the data has been manually validated by our internal team of reviewers, it is available to you through our live dashboard, where you can filter it according your most relevant KPIs.
Use our dashboard to compare weekly and/or monthly insights and statistics to analyse trends, identify issues, and make data-driven forecasts.
Meet our Fresh Produce expert
Christiaan Rijnhout, at Roamler since 2011, has developed an extensive experience in the Fresh Produce market, working closely with more than 30 clients ranging from growers, to seed breeders and exporters.
Coming from a Fresh Produce family, Christiaan knows all about the dynamics of this market, and is able to help you get the insights you need to drive growth.