Why was my task rejected?

That’s why our team of reviewers checks every submission manually.
Sometimes the information doesn’t meet our quality standards, and we’re forced to reject your task and invite you to try and perform it again.

These are the most common reasons for us to reject a task:

•    Your task was not completed at the correct location.
•    Photos are not clear (taken from too far away, blurry, too dark/too light).
•    Photos don’t fit the requirements of the task description.
•    Photos are taken from computer screens, from other photos or from photos that you previously took (unless explicitly stated that it is acceptable).
•    Your submission contains inappropriate or explicit photos.
•    You didn’t give enough explanation in your answers (please pay attention to  the minimum number of words requested for some responses).
•    Your answers do not match your photos.
•    You submitted a photo taken from inside a car.

To prevent rejections, always make sure your tasks: 

•    contain clear and bright photos.
•    comply with the instructions in the task description.
•    provide exhaustive answers to the questions.
•    show creativity and originality (if requested to do so).
•    do not include photos with clearly visible people.